Introduction to Aesthetics

Welcome to the Certificate Program in Introduction to Aesthetics! This comprehensive program is designed to provide you with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of aesthetics. Whether you aspire to pursue a career in skincare, aesthetic treatments, or simply want to enhance your understanding of aesthetics, this certificate equips you with essential expertise to thrive in this dynamic industry.



Course Description: This course provides insights into career
opportunities in the field of aesthetics, guiding you through various
pathways and possibilities within the industry.

Total Hours: 09

Credit Hours: 03

Exams: Final Term, along with Course Work submission 10 working
days after exams (If Applicable).


Course Description: Learn the art of conducting comprehensive
consultations with clients, understanding their needs, and offering
tailored aesthetic solutions.
Total Hours: 12
Credit Hours: 4
Exams: Final Term, along with Course Work submission 10 working
days after exams (If Applicable)


Course Description: Explore common skin aesthetic disorders, their
causes, symptoms, and treatment options, laying the foundation for
understanding skin health.
Total Hours: 12
Credit Hours: 4
Exams: Final Term, along with Course Work submission 10 working
days after exams (If Applicable).


Course Description: Master the techniques of providing rejuvenating
and therapeutic facials (Advance HydraFacial, Whitening Facial, Gloa
Facial, LED Light therapy), incorporating various skincare products
and tools to enhance skin health and appearance.
Total Hours: 12
Credit Hours: 4
Exams: Final Term, along with Course Work submission 10 working
days after exams (If Applicable)


Course Description: Dive into the world of advanced skin aesthetic
treatments, including but not limited to Face PRP, Hair PRP, Laser,
Carbon Peel, Micro-needling, and Chemical Peel.
Total Hours: 12
Credit Hours: 4
Exams: Final Term, along with Course Work submission 10 working
days after exams (If Applicable).